Weseler Teppich GmbH & Co. KG
Emmelsumer Straße 218
D-46485 Wesel

Tel.: +49 (0)281 819-10
Fax: +49 (0)281 819-38


Company: Weseler Teppich GmbH & Co. KG, AG Duisburg HRA 7411

General Partner: Weseler Teppich-Verwaltungs GmbH, AG (Commercial registration: Duisburg HRB 10850)

Management: Jan Hendrik Haverhals, Markus Johannes Haick, Lars Engelke

VAT reg. no: DE 120994569


Responsible for the content according to § 55 RStV:

Jan Hendrik Haverhals, Markus Johannes Haick, Lars Engelke
Weseler Teppich GmbH & Co. KG
Emmelsumer Straße 218
D-46485 Wesel



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To provide you with comprehensive information – and for your convenience – we insert links to third party websites.  As far as these are not readily recognizable as external links, we point this out to you. The Weseler Teppich Gmbh & Co. KG has no influence whatsoever on the content and layout of the pages of third party providers. The guarantees outlined in our data protection policy obviously do not apply for any external links.


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